XIII annual Congress of the Ukrainian European Studies Association (17-18.10.2019, Odesa)

 2019 prefinal announcement XIII Congress Call for papers announcement Engl page 001On 17-18 October 2019 in Odessa (Ukraine) the XIII annual Congress of the Ukrainian European Studies Association will take place, addressing new strategies and new dimensions for the cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union. Sustainable development, digital economy, knowledge-based economy trends, contemporary challenges for maintenance of the rule of law, democracy and state of adaptation of national legislation to the EU standards, good governance issues as well as impact of education, science and innovations on resilience strategies will be discussed during the XIII Congress.

Founded in 2006 NGO “Ukrainian European Studies Association” is all national non-profit organisation which unites experts, academics, teachers and NGO leaders in field of European Studies in Ukraine and hosts the Ukrainian Jean Monnet Network. The UESA is a full member of the European Communities Studies Association – World.

The Congress Organization Committee welcomes presentations for the specified above topics in all directions of European Studies and related areas. We ask to submit short speech outline (max.200 words) and short academic bio.

Registration: https://forms.gle/z1tAuPsF6s9Yvvbc9 

Deadline for the registration (contributions, presentations): 10 September 2019

During the Congress the I Young Scholars School will be condacted, aimed at gathering young researchers and practitioners in European Studies area

Registration: https://forms.gle/PL2CAw1jRqQffYtU6 

Dead-line for the registration: 10 September 2019

The event will be hosted by Odessa Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration by the President of Ukraine.

Participation at the XIII UESA Congress is free, organizers provide catering for participants.

UESA Membership is free of charge: https://jmce.ukma.edu.ua/uk/uaes 

Language – English, Ukrainian

More information: [email protected] 

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